Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Halloween 2010

mommy and baby spider
she loved her spider feet

faces like these ...priceless

Halloween has been just another day for me for quite some time. Rylie does make me look forward to even the smallest of holidays..she was a cute lil spider!! I was so excited to find to costume..there i was in Meijer in the middle ..eyes closed, picturing her in it.. perfect i thought..and so it was!

Interesting facts for introductions

Hello, I will start off by stating how very excited I am to start this process of blogging. I welcome you all to follow along with my rantings of everything family and friends and so on. I am a wife, mother, sister, aunt(of many), and a friend. I enjoy many things from reading,swimming, dancing and much more. I am on the 12th journal for my life, and going strong..so hopefully i will be able to keep up online as well.
I started the Johnson journey on 6/16/07. and still going strong. I am very blessed to have a husband such as mine. He takes care of my heart, and has given me a most precious gift : Rylie Paige. The journey of the Johnsons begins....